Doveridge Primary School

Welcome to Class 2! 

We work hard and enjoy learning new things every day!

Class 2 are taught by Mrs Evans on a Monday and Tuesday and by Mrs Gadsby on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

In Class 2 Literacy and Maths lessons are taught every morning following National Curriculum expectations. The learning is tailored to the children’s individual needs and children move between groups for particular aspects within the subject. Interventions take place to support reading, writing and maths skills.

In Literacy, we love to write and read by using lots of different types of books and resources to feed our imagination and give us great ideas.

In maths, we work together to learn and practise new skills and we really enjoy meeting the challenges that each new day brings. Our aim is to develop greater confidence every day, to help us towards becoming strong, independent learners.

Class 2 loves to work on different topics and themes and exploring them through a topic-based curriculum. During the afternoons, the children have an exciting programme of Science, Computing, Art, Design Technology, History/Geography, Music, PSHCE and Religious Education. PE is taught separately, but may also be linked to our topic, where possible. We use a scheme of work called Charanga for Music and RE is taught through the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The children enjoy a very full and educational curriculum where every effort is made to make the curriculum as creative and hands on as possible. To support this, school trips and enhancement activities are planned which are designed to stimulate the children’s learning, develop their teamwork and promote new experiences.


Class Communication and Homework   

Seesaw - we use Seesaw as our route of communication between home and school so please get in touch if there is anything that we can help you with.

Your child will be given a login during their first week in Class 2 and we ask that all parents/carers download the app and login as soon as possible. All homework, messages, spellings and information will be shared with you via the Seesaw app.

Homework for all children is uploaded onto their journal every Friday. 

You can also allow your child to practice their weekly spellings by logging onto

Important announcements and reminders will also be posted to your child's class journal.

Your child will also regularly share their work with you via their journal throughout the term.

Parent Overview Spring 2025

Parents Workshop for Class 2

Class 2 Easter Poem

14 Chapel Green, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5JY

01889 563346