Doveridge Primary School

Class 2: English




  • Guided Reading

Your child will be part of a Guided Reading group every week


  • Reading for Pleasure
  • Your child has regular access to the library throughout the week to choose a book for pleasure.


We love to read!


Our guided reading and individual reading books are made up from a range of reading schemes and Free Reader books to ensure the children are exposed to a wide and varied vocabulary. All books are colour coded and matched to reading abilities to ensure children read texts at a level appropriate to them. The Oxford Reading Tree scheme (ORT) remains the core system and pupils are introduced to the characters and texts in the Foundation Stage. Pupils reading to the equivalent of ORT level 14 will be encouraged to select from a wider range of Free Reader texts.

If you would like to learn more the full Literacy Policy can be viewed under the Language and Literacy section and you can always speak with your Class Teacher.

Reading Support Booklet


Phonics and Spelling The teaching of phonics is introduced in Reception. Teachers use the ‘Letters and Sounds’ scheme up to the end of Year 2, thereafter the National Curriculum word and spelling lists.

If you would like to learn more the full Literacy Policy can be viewed under the Language and Literacy section and you can always speak with your Class Teacher.


Year 1 Phonics screening information for parents

Phase 2 phonics mat

Phase 3 phonics mat

Phase 4 phonics mat

Phase 5 phonics mat


Ideas for practicing spellings

Useful websites for Class 2

14 Chapel Green, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5JY

01889 563346