Doveridge Primary School

Modern Foreign Language



We strongly believe that learning a MFL (Modern Foreign Language) at Doveridge Primary School lays the foundations for a life-long love of language learning.

Our work is underpinned by our vision where ‘Together we will succeed to be the best we can be’ and this is at the heart of every aspect of school life.

At Doveridge Primary School our children will develop their curiosity and acquire a greater understanding of the world and its people by learning French, which is also one of the language choices when they move on to their Secondary school, Queen Elizabeth's in Ashbourne.

We believe that whilst learning a foreign language, our children will gain an appreciation of different cultures and communities around the world. This will build upon our whole-school focus on diversity. We are aiming to deepen our children’s understanding through lessons delivered during the summer term to provide them with an authentic experience both linguistically and culturally.

During their time at Doveridge Primary, all children will develop confidence, fluency and spontaneity in French.


MFL Skills Ladder

The skills ladder attached scaffolds the delivery of French in the curriculum.


14 Chapel Green, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5JY

01889 563346