Welcome to Doveridge Parent Teacher Association
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DoveridgePTA
The Doveridge PTA is a registered charity. We are a group of parents, carers, grandparents and staff who give their time freely to raise funds to support our school.
The PTA organise a number of events throughout the year such as summer fun days, Christmas fairs, craft events and reading challenges. These events help us meet our aims to enhance the school experience for the children, support the staff and to strengthen the feeling of community within the school.
Meetings are held once per term to finalise details for our events and to decide how the funds are spent. In the last year we have improved the playground with the installation of new equipment, treated all the children to see Peter Pan at Hanley Theatre and provided additional books for the classroom
The PTA Committee members are:
Chair: Joanna Riley-Walsh
Vice Chair: Kirstie Pinheiro
Treasurer: Joanna Riley-Walsh
Secretary: Joanna Riley-Walsh
The PTA is a great opportunity to support our school, have fun and meet other parents and carers. We always welcome new members and new ideas. If you would like to become involved please contact us via the school office. You can give as much time as you feel able.
We regularly issue a newsletter and have a Facebook page to help keep all parents and carers up to date with our progress. We also have a noticeboard at the school entrance to advertise our upcoming events and latest news.
Please do get in touch if you can help in any way, if you have a suggestion or feedback or if you would like to know more about what we do.
14 Chapel Green, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5JY
01889 563346