Weekly Homework
In Class 3 we regularly set homework in order to help cement and develop the children’s learning each week. We encourage you to engage your child in the homework every week.
As well as spellings, times tables and reading which are set on a weekly basis, we also ask that you help your child to complete the following:
- Weekly spellings (spellings will be uploaded onto EdShed)
- 20 mins reading per day
- The homework set will link with what has been taught during that week and it will often alternate with Maths.
- Times Tables Rockstars
- Likewise, the homework set will link with what has been taught during that week
Sometimes we may set a project linked to our topic which will be completed over a longer period of time.
Please encourage your child to complete homework on time. Homework will usually be checked and set on a Friday and spellings will be tested on a Friday.