Doveridge Primary School

Behaviour - Rewards and Sanctions

We have very high expectations of behaviour and standards of work in our classes. We expect the children to always put their best effort in and take pride and ownership over their learning and their classrooms. We consistently challenge poor behaviour and make sure children know that our calm, purposeful learning environment will not be disrupted. At the same time, children are rewarded and praised for achievement and positive learning behaviour. Our school is a family and there is an expectation that everyone looks after each other. This culture of learning and support has had very positive results in previous years. We hope you can support us in achieving this.


We award praise points (Dojo’s) for a range of positive behaviour or good work. You will be sent a login forDojo, allowing you to keep track of how your child’s praise points throughout the year.


Occasionally, children find themselves involved in less positive situations. Poor behaviour will be dealt with according to the school behaviour policy. Some incidents will require a phone call to parents.



We have a comprehensive anti-bullying policy in school and do lots of work to promote anti-bullying. Any form of unkind behaviour or bullying will not be tolerated in school. Children behaving in this way will be dealt with according to the school policy. However, in order to resolve issues, we need to know about them so please encourage your child to speak to us if any issues arise.